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Last year, our charity Euan’s Guide turned ten years old – and 2024 is the year our Safer Toilets campaign turns ten, too! We’re proud to continue our work in making tens of thousands of accessible toilets safer while working hard on We know this work makes a real difference to the lives of disabled people. One volunteer told us:
“My mother fell from a toilet without a cord and was lying on a wet toilet floor for quite some time before we heard her calling and someone had to break in to assist her, so I know how essential red cords, right to the ground, are. She was shocked cold, embarrassed and frightened by her experience.”
Another said:
“Thank you for these cards! Thank you, you are amazing. You have potentially saved so many people.”
Our community makes us proud. One Ambassador told us after attending one of our events:
“I haven’t been on the beach in 20 years! Never expected that I would be able to. Also found out about a new activity – paddle boarding – that I will be giving a go. I would never have found out about that without coming to this event.”
We’re also proud of our website, which has thousands of disabled access reviews, written by disabled people for disabled people. These first-hand experiences are a trusted and valued source of information for people planning and researching trips.
“Just want to say big thanks for your information. Your website is brilliant for disabled people.”
“Too many times I have seen the frustration on family members’ faces when trying to figure out if a restaurant or venue is accessible or not without having to pick up the phone. This is where we have found Euan’s Guide exceptional at finding out information.”
And finally, we’re proud of the Euan’s Guide Access Survey. This work has been featured in major publications including The Guardian, The Times, and The Independent, as well as on BBC and Good Morning Britain, helping to raise awareness of the challenges faced by disabled people and amplify their voices and experiences.
For many years we’ve been working hard on our Safer Toilets Campaign after hearing over and over that the red emergency cords were tied up, cut short, or otherwise out of reach.
Our Red Cord Cards were designed to attach to the red emergency cord to let people know why the red cord needs to hang freely to the ground, and we’ve now sent over 150,000 Red Cord Cards, making tens of thousands of accessible loos safer and raising awareness of the red emergency cord’s purpose. Our Red Cord Cards have been featured on national media including Channel 5 news as well as going viral on TikTok and Instagram thanks to people helping us to spread the word about making accessible toilets safer.
We want to be bigger, better and offer more for our community!
We’re working towards getting more disabled access reviews on so that we can provide even more access information, which we know is still lacking – our community tells us about this in our 2023 Access Survey: 76% found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate, and 79% have experienced a disappointing trip or having had to change plans due to poor accessibility.
Our plan is to reach more disabled people so more people know about our charity and how we can help them. We want our community to share their voice by leaving disabled access reviews on and have their say by completing our annual Access Survey.
Our latest project, Travelling with Confidence, will increase the travel-related disabled access information on to empower our community to travel further, explore new places, and discover travel links with great disabled access.
Our goal is to have every business list their venue on Euan’s Guide to reach tens of thousands of disabled people finding and sharing disabled access information. By listing with Euan’s Guide, venues will have access to our resources and advice, as well as being inclusive and welcoming to disabled people.
Our vision: A world accessible for all disabled people.
We know that there is still a lack of disabled access information out there. In our most recent Access Survey 91% of respondents said they try to find disabled access information before visiting a new place, and 59% said they avoid going to a venue if it has not shared its disabled access information because they assume it’s inaccessible.
Disability Power 100 profile information is self-submitted by the profile subject. Shaw Trust understands and respects that disability and impairment descriptors and language use varies from person to person. Shaw Trust assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or discrepancies in the content of this, or any other, profile page.