Award category:
I am Emma Partlow, Transreport’s Accessibility and Inclusion Manager, with a background as an experienced researcher, teacher, and advocate for Equality, Diversity, and Human Rights. I specialise in accessibility and inclusion, drawing from my own lived experiences of being disabled and ten years of dedicated research into the lived experiences of disabled people, focusing on policy and legislative impact.
I am passionate about accessible travel, having previous experience working within the rail industry specialising in accessibility and experiencing first-hand the impact technology can have upon an individual’s journey led me to global accessible travel.
In recognition of my impactful contributions, I was chosen to be a Baton Bearer in 2022 for the Queen’s Baton Relay, highlighting the fresh thinking and significant impact of my academic research into the area of disability and employment.
I am currently on the path to obtaining my doctoral degree and continue to publish in the areas of policy, inclusion, and diversity. You can often find me travelling both nationwide and globally with Luna, my assistance dog by my side.
Over the last 12-18 months whilst working on global accessibility strategies and projects I have witnessed the power of policies in action and personally experienced what Disabled experiences can be like when policies and legislation are not grounded in Disability rights, co-production or inclusive of lived-experience within decision-making.
I’ve experienced colleagues and stakeholders worldwide deepening their understanding of the Social Model of Disability leading to them recognising the power of focusing on barriers that can then be dismantled. The impact of this has been profound both personally and professionally for individuals. It is a privilege to lead people on this journey of understanding as I know this frame of thinking can have a powerful impact and tangible outcomes for Disabled people.
These experiences have led to me having an ever-growing deep-rooted passion and knowledge of the importance of accessibility.
Disability Power 100 profile information is self-submitted by the profile subject. Shaw Trust understands and respects that disability and impairment descriptors and language use varies from person to person. Shaw Trust assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or discrepancies in the content of this, or any other, profile page.