Mik Scarlet

Co-Ceo & Inclusivity Expert

After many years blazing a trail in the music and media industries, I changed career and began working as a freelance access & inclusion advisor. I’ve worked with several major companies and helped shape policy and the built environment to be accessible and inclusive. I then became the Co-Ceo of the charity Phab, with the aims of creating a income creating project training and consulting with business, government and the third sector and to make Phab ready for the 21st century, especially being disability led. I was given an honorary doctorate by the University of Bedfordshire this year and am proud of the legacy I’m building.

I’ve never felt being disabled is a negative. It fuels my passion for life, pushes me to want to build a better tomorrow and has given me a fantastic community.

Areas of expertise

Accessibility, Architecture, Charity, social enterprise, Disability Advocacy, Employment, Equality, IT, Tech, Web design, Performing arts

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