Lee Ellery

Website Accessibility Assessor

Accessibility Services


Lee Ellery is from Swansea and has Cerebral Palsy which affects all four limbs and is also visually impaired. None of this stops him doing what he enjoys or working as a user-tester for Shaw Trust Accessibility Services. Using speech software which converts his voice into text on screen enables him to work successfully and enjoy the freedom of the internet.

An independent disability campaigner Lee help individuals and organisations to raise awareness of the issues that affect disabled people and ensure disabled people’s voices are heard. He is a regular speaker on disability matters and will challenge professionals on things that affect disabled people.

Lee has worked with the Welsh Government and volunteers for Co-production Network Wales. He has delivered Disability Awareness Training to Swansea University students and is an ambassador for Therapy for Swansea Kids. He is also a regular presenter with Swan TV.

“My message to other people living with disabilities is to be yourself and know that whatever the obstacle, you can always achieve your dreams, as being different is what makes you stand out from the crowd.”

Areas of expertise

Accessibility, Disability Advocacy, IT, Tech, Web design

Disability Power 100 profile information is self-submitted by the profile subject. Shaw Trust understands and respects that disability and impairment descriptors and language use varies from person to person. Shaw Trust assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or discrepancies in the content of this, or any other, profile page.