Nickel Support

Award category:

Change Making Organisation

Nickel Support (CIC) is dedicated to empowering individuals with learning disabilities by providing tailored support for the 120 trainees we work with. Our mission is to see all adults with learning disabilities living purposeful and fulfilled lives. We aim to challenge traditional notions of disability through inclusion and advocacy, and to create opportunities for individuals to thrive on their own terms.

Nickel Support provides a revolutionary approach to learning disability services. We offer a wide range of sessions which all focus on at least one of the following three “purpose areas”: health, relationships and employment, as we believe that growth in these areas, alongside all the soft skills that accompany them, is the key to people with disabilities having more fulfilled lives. Some of our sessions are enterprise sessions where trainees work and create an amazing range of products.

In the 12 years since Nickel Support was created, we have grown dramatically, and are constantly striving to improve and create impactful change for our trainees. In 2022 we opened a second hub, which increased our capacity, and is now thriving. In January 2023 we re-launched our shop Interestingly Different, and expanded to also selling online. The shop provides a platform for selling the products made in our enterprise sessions, as well as products from 33 other change-making organisations working within the disability sector, or with people facing other life challenges. Interestingly Different also enables us to provide retail training and employment opportunities for our trainees. We created a bespoke, inclusive and accessible training programme and now have 5 trainees in paid employment in the shop, and we aim to increase this number in the future.

Nickel Support challenges perceptions of disability by creating inclusive environments where everyone is a valued member of the team. By showcasing the abilities of our trainees we aim to challenge stereotypes and dispel misconceptions, and hope to inspire more employers to hire people with disabilities. We are passionate and committed to our trainees, to transforming learning disability services, and to working towards a society which is truly inclusive and accessible for all disabled people.

“We are incredibly proud of all our ongoing efforts to empower adults with learning disabilities. Seeing transformation in all our trainees’ lives is always a complete privilege and joy; but we also use these moments to spur us on in our efforts – as we truly believe that all adults with learning disabilities deserve the opportunities which our trainees have.”


Nickel Support

The nature of our work means that we are able to make a direct impact on the trainees’ lives, which is at the heart of everything we do. We see so many trainees going through an incredible transformation as a result of attending Nickel Support. Trainees gain confidence and soft skills which although hard to measure are so meaningful and impactful on their lives. As a team we celebrate each and everyone one of the positives we see, as we know that sometimes these things wouldn’t seem like much to the “outside” world, but that actually are huge for that individual.

As well as the direct work with adults with learning disabilities which Nickel Support does, we are also constantly raising awareness of the shocking statistic that currently 95% of adults with learning disabilities in the UK are not in employment.
Our strong online presence, combined with successful press releases, and most recently featuring on ITVx, are all part of our plans to raise awareness.

Nickel Support is constantly striving to improve, grow and expand in order to help more adults with learning disabilities to lead purposeful and fulfilled lives. We aim to open more hubs, shops and cafes in the future, enabling us to reach more adults with learning disabilities. Through having a greater reach, we hope to not only have a greater impact on the individuals we work with, but also to make an impact on perceptions and attitudes within society.

If we could change one thing, it would be an entire societal change in perception and inclusivity for all adults with learning disabilities.

The perception of disabled people remains one of the biggest barriers. Once perceptions change, so much other change will follow. We are passionate and committed to helping to shift perceptions.

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