PDF Profile text description

PDF document showing an example Disability Power 100 website profile. This example is for Andrew Miller. 

There is a large black and white photo of Andrew, a white man with short hair and glasses. He is smiling, is wearing a dark shirt, and is sat in his wheelchair in a garden. 

There are two more black and white photos of Andrew. One is in the same setting as above, and one shows him speaking to people in a boardroom set up. There is also a colour screenshot from a video, where Andrew is sat inside at a dining table. There is some subtitle on the video, which reads “Power 100 is really important.” 


Heading text reads: 

Andrew Miller MBE  

Subheading text reads: 

Cultural Commentator, Broadcaster, Disability Champion, and Chair of Judges. Entertainment. 


Andrew’s bio reads: 

Andrew has an impressive history of advancing disability access and inclusion having challenged perceptions of disability throughout his 35-year career, starting as one of the first disabled presenters on British television. Now influencing change behind the scenes, Andrew works with some of the biggest cultural brands in the UK to improve access and to identify new opportunities for disabled people across the creative industries. His current portfolio of roles includes UK Arts Access Champion – supporting the delivery of a national arts access scheme for audiences, Creative Director of Trinity College Oxford, National Council member of Arts Council England, Governor of the Royal Shakespeare Company, Trustee of BAFTA and he has just stepped down as Chair of the influential BFI Disability Screen Advisory Group after five years in post. 

In 2020 Andrew co-founded the UK Disability Arts Alliance #WeShallNotBeRemoved, where he developed the Seven Inclusive Principles which helped shape the cultural sector’s pandemic recovery. In 2021 Andrew was recognised in the New Year Honours list for his for services to disabled people in the cultural industries. 


A quote from Andrew reads: 

“The Shaw Trust Power 100 is really important to the disabled community. It’s the only list that’s published annually that platforms disabled people’s contribution to wider society, and it does so without being patronizing. Disabled people are involved in in the judging process, so it feels of the community, which is really important.” 

There are buttons to follow Andrew on social media, as well as to access an Easy Read copy of the profile (the latter features at the top of the page.) 

The bottom of the screenshot shows an example of where other influencer profiles will be accessed, as well as the footer of the Disability Power 100 website.